Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Organization of workshops and conferences.
  • Luc Segoufin organized an international workshop on finite model theory in Les Houches in May 14-18, 2012: http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/Events/fmt2012/ .

  • Serge Abiteboul co-organized with Tova Milo (Tel Aviv) the WebDam-MoDaS Workshop on Web data management and Crowdsourcing, Eilat, Israel 2012

  • Serge Abiteboul co-organized with P. Senellart (Telecom Paris) the Webdam “Data in the Wild” Workshop, Paris 2012

Program Committees.
  • Serge Abiteboul: International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'12)

  • Serge Abiteboul: World Wide Web (WWW'2012)

  • Luc Segoufin: Principle of Database systems (PODS'12).

  • Cristina Sirangelo: International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'13)

  • Cristina Sirangelo: ICDT'13 Test of Time Award

  • Cristina Sirangelo: 6th Alberto Mendelzon Workshop

  • Luc Segoufin is since 2009 the coordinator of the european project FoX. Since 2010 he is a member of the steering committee of the Intl. Conf. on Database Theory (ICDT). Since 2010 he is part of the “bureau du commité des projets” à l'Inria Saclay. Since 2011 he is part of the scientific board of Inria. Since 2010 he is responsible of the groupe de travail “Complexité et Modèles Finis” du GDR “Mathématique et Informatique” (http://www.gdr-im.fr/ ).

  • Serge Abiteboul is the principal investigator of the European Research Council Grant Webdam on Web Data Management. He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences and of the Academia Europea. He is chairman of the Scientific Council of Société d'Informatique de France, elected in 2012.

Larger audience.

School "Imagine the Future in ICT", organized by ICDT lab. Two courses given by Serge Abiteboul: (i) Data sciences; (ii) Web search engines.


Serge Abiteboul has been professor at College de France [21] till September 2012. He organized a 10 hours course on Web data management. He also organized a seminar on the topic with for guests: Moshe Vardi, Anastasia Ailamaki, François Bancilhon, Julien Masanès, Victor Vianu, Tova Milo, Georg Gottlob, Gerhard Weikum, Marie-Christine Rousset, Pierre Senellart.